Cozy Modern Quilts: 23 Easy Pieced Projects to Bust Your Stash

Modern doesn't have to be hard-edged. Make a soft statement with statement with these irresistibly cozy, contemporary quilts built from simple squares and rectangles.

List Price: $ 19.95

Price: $ 9.69

Dr. Pitcairn's New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats

Over 400,000 copies of this treasured classic have been sold since its original publication more than 20 years ago

The book that is the definitive guide to a natural lifestyle for dogs and cats is now completely updated and revised--for the first time in 9 years. Writing with the warmth and compassion that have won them a national following, veterinarian Richard H. Pitcairn and his wife Susan Hubble Pitcairn, noted specialists in chemical-free nutrition and natural healing for pets, show dog and cat owners how to provide the very best in companionship and lifelong care.

They now cover environmental matters, including pollutants both inside the home and out, as well as recent hot-button topics, such as Mad Cow disease, Lyme disease, and the West Nile virus. They've updated dozens of recipes for delicious and healthful pet food and treats. With a guide to handling emergencies and an in-depth "Quick Reference" section, they give specific instructions for preventing, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of animal diseases and disorders-with special attention to homeopathic, herbal, and nutritional remedies.

List Price: $ 18.95

Price: $ 16.35

Scent of the Missing: Love & Partnership with a Search-And-Rescue Dog [With Earbuds] (Playaway Adult Nonfiction)

In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, Susannah Charleson clipped a photo from the newspaper: an exhausted canine handler, face buried in the fur of his search-and-rescue dog. A dog lover and pilot with search experience herself, Susannah was so moved by the image that she decided to volunteer with a local canine team and soon discovered firsthand the long hours, nonexistent pay, and often heart-wrenching results they face.

Still she felt the call, and once she qualified to train a dog of her own, she adopted Puzzle, a strong, bright Golden Retriever puppy who exhibited unique aptitudes as a working dog but who was less interested in the role of compliant house pet. Puzzle’s willfulness and high drive, both assets in the field, challenged even Susannah, who had raised dogs for years.

Scent of the Missing is the story of Susannah and Puzzle’s adventures together and of the close relationship they forge as they search for the lost—a teen gone missing, an Alzheimer’s patient wandering in the cold, signs of the crew amid the debris of the space shuttle Columbia disaster. From the earliest air-scent lessons to her final mastery of whole-body dialog, Puzzle emerges as a fully collaborative partner in a noble enterprise that unfolds across the forests, plains, and cityscapes of the Southwest. Along the way Susannah and Puzzle learn to read the clues in the field, and in each other, to accomplish together the critical work neither could do alone and to unravel the mystery of the human/canine bond.

 Product Description
In the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, Susannah Charleson clipped a photo from the newspaper: an exhausted canine handler, face buried in the fur of his search-and-rescue dog. A dog lover and pilot with search experience herself, Susannah was so moved by the image that she decided to volunteer with a local canine team and soon discovered firsthand the long hours, nonexistent pay, and often heart-wrenching results they face.

Still she felt the call, and once she qualified to train a dog of her own, she adopted Puzzle, a strong, bright Golden Retriever puppy who exhibited unique aptitudes as a working dog but who was less interested in the role of compliant house pet. Puzzle's willfulness and high drive, both assets in the field, challenged even Susannah, who had raised dogs for years.

Scent of the Missing is the story of Susannah and Puzzle's adventures together and of the close relationship they forge as they search for the lost--a teen gone missing, an Alzheimer's patient wandering in the cold, signs of the crew amid the debris of the space shuttle Columbia disaster. From the earliest air-scent lessons to her final mastery of whole-body dialog, Puzzle emerges as a fully collaborative partner in a noble enterprise that unfolds across the forests, plains, and cityscapes of the Southwest. Along the way Susannah and Puzzle learn to read the clues in the field, and in each other, to accomplish together the critical work neither could do alone and to unravel the mystery of the human/canine bond.

A Q&A with Susannah Charleson, Author of Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog

Q: Scent of the Missing follows the relationship between you and your search dog from her puppyhood to eighteen months of age and her first search. How does your relationship now differ from the one you had with her then?

A: Puzzle is five and a half now. Though we had several hundred training searches together in the period covered in the book, we've had easily double that now. I have a lot more trust in her bond with me. She works pretty much exclusively off lead, and I no longer wonder if she'd abandon a search, run away from me to chase her own interests, or anything like that, as I did when she was very young. During her puppyhood, Puzzle was always interested in search work and joyful about finding people, but she seemed to regard me as an unnecessary chaperone for a job she'd do better alone.

As she matured, Puzzle seemed to recognize that part of her job was to work with me, to communicate with me, to insist when I'd missed some signal from her--and she seems to find joy in that part of the job too.

Q: Is your relationship with Puzzle, as depicted in the book, typical of the kinds of relationships other SAR handlers have with their dogs?

A: Some situations in the book probably resonate with other handlers--maybe a few make them wince, or laugh at my failings outright--but Scent of the Missing by no means represents a "standard" dog-and-handler relationship. It's not a template or a guidebook for best practice. I compare this book to a memoir about a marriage or raising a child: a portrait of one relationship over a period of time--ideally magical, meaningful, and worthy of being shared.

Q: What are these working dogs like at home as pets? What do they enjoy doing off duty?

A: Most of them enjoy being pretty typical dogs. They have favorite toys and games and preferred sleeping spots. They mooch car rides and sneak drinks from the toilet. Puzzle is a creature of routine. She likes to play bitey-face with one of the Pomeranians first thing in the morning. She adopted a kitten a couple of years ago; that kitten is now a cat, and the two of them cuddle and play quite a bit. Puzzle enjoys playing fetch and tug with humans. On rainy days she is keen to go outside and find the perfect mud puddle. Puzzle is happiest when she's absolutely filthy--a good puddle wallow, followed by a roll in the grass.

Q: How long will Puzzle's search career run?

A: Until she shows me she can no longer do the job,or she no longer wants to do it, or until my own strength forces us to retire from the field. This work is physically rigorous, and I wouldn't push a dog whose condition was not up to it.

Nor would I run her if I couldn't do my part of the job. Usually the dogs grow too frail before they lose their interest, so it's likely the types of searches she could work would taper off as she ages. Some dogs retire from disaster or wilderness work, for example, but are still able to work for years on boat/drowning searches, which don't require running or climbing.

Q: What happens to the dogs when they can no longer work searches?

A: Though there are exceptions with some teams, most search dogs retire as much-loved family members, living with the handlers they’ve partnered. Some dogs are so driven to work that they learn new tasks. Puzzle is very pack-oriented, and though she's not a herder, I think she'd happily learn to round up the other family pets or to "find" them all in the house on command. She already enjoys knowing what's what and who's where in the household.

Q: What characteristics give a dog a special aptitude for SAR?

A: This question sparks a lot of debate among handlers and evaluators, but most agree that a good SAR candidate demonstrates high energy, has natural curiosity, seems to enjoy scent games--and enjoys them enough to ignore distractions!--is willing to work on command for a human, and is confident in new situations. Physically, they need to be athletic and structurally sound, with no vision issues. While shepherds, retrievers, and hounds are popular breeds in the field, many breeds can do this work, and mixed breeds can certainly have the right gifts too.

Q: When you first began working ground searches, was there anything that surprised you?

A: The dogs surprised me. While I knew that dogs could do this job, I had no idea how well they communicated complex conditions of scent (for example, differences between "a little bit of old scent here" and "live scent, right here, right now" and "human scent here, but not live") and how difficult a job it is to decode them. The dogs communicate from nose to toes to tail, and they do it fast, so it's a lot of reading on the run.

I was also surprised by how tough terrain can be even in a city. Urban SAR can become wilderness SAR pretty quickly. In our area, when a housing development stops, it stops, and just beyond that wall can be acres and acres of brutal scrub. I've walked past million-dollar houses and, twenty steps later, beyond the community gates, had to press through a sector on my hands and knees, cutting my way through thorns.

Q: What aptitude do humans have to bring to this work?

A: All kinds of stamina, physical, emotional, intellectual. A search can begin at what is, for search personnel, the end of a long workday. It can run all night and into the following day or days, in all kinds of weather across all kinds of terrain and in a state of emergency. Self control and a long fuse are useful. Physical soundness and a willingness to learn new things are important. It helps not to be a afraid of snakes, spiders, the dark, or tight spaces. It's also good not to be squeamish.

Handlers also need to really believe in the work of the dogs, to trust information that we humans can't see--or smell--and be able to let the dog do the work instead of trying to do it for him.

Q: You began search-and-rescue-related work as a pilot. Are there any similarities between searching from the air and searching behind a dog?

A: There are some surprising similarities. When I pass fields or wilderness areas in my car, I always think about how I'd land a plane on it, if I had to, or how I'd search it with a dog. Good pilots have an awareness of the ground they're flying over. In flight training, we sometimes look down at the terrain beneath us and hypothesize, "If my engine failed right now, where would I land? How would I set up that approach and that landing?" It's a matter of where the wind is coming from, how flat or rolling the terrain is, and what's growing on it. Working search with a dog, I have to take into account many of the same considerations. "If I had to search that valley, how would I set it up. Where would I start Puzzle, and which way would we work across it?" Again, it's a matter of where the wind is coming from, what kind of ground and vegetation has to be pressed through. Landing an aircraft is not just about managing the plane, it's about working the plane effectively across an environment. Working canine SAR is not just about running behind a dog; it's about making it possible for the dog to work well in an area that is always in a state of change, where scent is often twisted, lifted, or obstructed.

Flying and dog handling both also require focus, a good deal of self-control, and the ability to interpret subtle cues from dog or airplane--while either one is moving quickly!

Q: How will your partnership with Puzzle affect what you will do with your next search dog?

A: I'd have to learn pretty quickly not to expect the next dog to be just like Puzzle, even if the two were the same breed. Other handlers on my team are partnering their second dogs, and though they were experienced handlers when they got dog number two and were able to sidestep some of the problems a new handler has to overcome, all agree that every dog is a completely new conversation, in a new language. Truly back to square one with a nose, four paws, and a tail.

Puzzle learned very well from watching certified SAR dog role models, and I expect that if she is able to search and demonstrate the work in training searches to dog number two early on, it would be good for her--she is a proud dog--and it would be good for the new dog too.

I have to say that even talking about a next dog is bittersweet. Though I'm a practical person, dedicated to this work, and know that dogs age and then leave us, it hurts to think I could ever step into a search field without Puzzle.

(photo © Chris Moseley)

Amazon Exclusive: Personal Photos from Author Susannah Charleson of her Search and Rescue Dog, Puzzle
(Click on Images to Enlarge)

Puzzle at Work

Misty, Susannah, and puppy Puzzle after her first training search

Puzzle standing by, ready to run

Puzzle loves her job

Snow training, February 2010

Puzzle at Play

Whaddya mean, I look guilty?

The inverted nap. The ghoulish expression.

Can't catch me!

Puzzle and her adopted kitty, Thistle

List Price: $ 59.99

Price: $ 55.99

500 Silver Jewelry Designs: The Powerful Allure of a Precious Metal (500 Series)

This new addition to the 500 gallery-book series presents an outstanding and visually diverse collection of handmade silver art jewelry by both established and emerging international designers. From time-honored forging of cuffs and chokers to cutting-edge brooches and rings, silver's beauty is fully revealed in a range of techniques, styles, and forms that will delight readers. 500 Silver Jewelry Designs will inspire jewelers and crafters of all media, and makes a gorgeous and delightful gift book for women -- and men -- who dream of wearing the world's finest jewelry creations.

List Price: $ 24.95

Price: $ 12.96

Cesar's Rules: Your Way to Train a Well-Behaved Dog

The training book you’ve been waiting for from the bestselling author and star of National Geographic Channel’s Dog Whisperer
Your dog just doesn’t seem to listen. You’ve been through obedience training, but he still can’t seem to master the most basic commands. And nothing you do seems to prevent him from misbehaving. “Clients usually come to me when their dogs are ruining their lives, not when they won’t sit,” says Cesar. “But everywhere I go, people are telling me they are confused about the wide variety of training options and theories out there, and they feel paralyzed because they don’t know which to choose.”

Now, in his usual straightforward, confident manner, Cesar takes on the topic of training for the first time, by explaining the importance of balance as the foundation for a healthy relationship between you and your dog. In order to provide a variety of training options, he calls upon some of the foremost experts in the field to offer their advice so that you can find the perfect approach that works for you and your dog through a variety of methods.

Filled with practical advice, anecdotes, tips, and trouble-shooting techniques from Cesar and his colleagues, this is the ultimate guide to a well-behaved and well-balanced dog—from a new puppy to an old dog who can still learn new tricks. 

The Only Training Book You’ll Ever Need
#1 New York Times bestselling author Cesar Millan shows you how to communicate well with your dog and shares the most effective and humane methods for teaching your dog how to be a happy, well-behaved member of your household. In Cesar’s Rules, he’ll address:

* The most popular training techniques, including positive reinforcement and using a clicker
* Ways to teach basic obedience commands sucha as sit, stay, and come
* The importance of balance, and why a well-trained dog does not necessarily mean a balanced one
* How to use your dog’s own natural inclinations to create better behavior
* The methods and theories from a variety of renowned trainers, including Bob Bailey, Ian Dunbar, Joel Silverman, Martin Deeley, and Mark Harden
* Encouraging and honoring your dog’s instincts
* And much more . . .

List Price: $ 25.99

Price: $ 14.00

Clutter Rehab: 101 Tips and Tricks to Become an Organization Junkie and Love It!


With 101 quick-and-easy projects for organizing your bathroom, kitchen, closet and more, Clutter Rehab takes the stress out of home organizing. As you painlessly tackle piles of toys, stacks of paper and over-spilling drawers, you’ll discover how to make de-cluttering your home an addictive pleasure.

#10 Remember in Pictures.

Take a snapshot of sentimental keepsakes you don’t use, then donate or even sell them for cash

#26 Be Grocery Smart.

Save fridge and pantry space—and money!—by buying only those items on your weekly meal planner

#32 Go Green.

Repurpose empty cardboard, plastic and glass containers into free organizers for all your stuff

#56 Childhood Archives.

Sort homework, artwork and other kid creations into easy-to-shelve, keep-forever binders

List Price: $ 12.95

Price: $ 6.96

Layer Cake, Jelly Roll & Charm Quilts

Jelly Roll, Layer Cake and Charm Quilts provides seventeen beautiful projects that show you how to get the most from pre-cut fabric bundles. The projects range from smaller lap quilts to full-sized bed quilts and each is made from one jelly roll, layer cake or charm pack (or a combination), making the quilts quick and economical. Using the latest fabrics, the authors provide a main quilt and an alternative color way for added versatility. Simple step-by-step instructions and illustrations make creating quilts from bundles fun and easy, regardless of your skill level.

List Price: $ 24.99

Price: $ 13.90

A Big Little Life

“In his nonfiction debut, Dean Koontz presents a humorous, poignant portrait of his remarkable dog [Trixie].” —Kirkus

Dean Koontz thought he had everything he needed. A successful novelist with more than twenty #1 New York Times bestsellers to his credit, Dean had forged a career out of industry and imagination. He had been married to his high school sweetheart, Gerda, since the age of twenty, and together they made a happy life for themselves in their Southern California home. It was the picture of peace and contentment. Then along came Trixie.

Dean had always wanted a dog--had even written several books in which dogs were featured. But not until Trixie was he truly open to the change that such a beautiful creature could bring about in him. Trixie had intelligence, a lack of vanity, and an uncanny knack for living in the present. And because she was joyful and direct as all dogs are, she put her heart into everything--from chasing tennis balls to playing practical jokes to protecting those she loved.

A service dog with Canine Companions for Independence, Trixie retired at three to become an assistance dog of another kind. She taught Dean to trust his instincts, persuaded him to cut down to a fifty-hour work week, and, perhaps most important, renewed in him a sense of wonder that will remain with him for the rest of his life.

Trixie weighed only sixty-something pounds, Dean occassionally called her Short Stuff, and she lived less than twelve years. In this big world, she was a little thing, but in all the ways that mattered, including the effect she had on those who loved her, she lived a big life.

List Price: $ 15.00

Price: $ 8.86

The Lord God Made Them All

With each book more embraceable than the last, James Herriot once again brings us the magical beauty of Yorkshire through his heartwarming experiences as a country veterinarian. These new stories provide a grand finale to the wonderful books that began with all Creatures Great and Small.

It is just after World War II, and James has returned from the R.A.F. to do battle with the diseases and injuries that befall the farm animals and pets of Skeldale and the surrounding moors. Four-year-old Jimmy Herriot, Humphrey Cobb and his little beagle Myrtle, Norman the book-loving veterinary assistant, and many more new faces join old favorites among the green hills of Yorkshire, as James takes an unforgettable voyage to Russia on a freighter with 383 pedigreed sheep. Touching our hearts with laughter and wisdom, lifting our spirits with compassion and goodness, James Herriot never fails to delight.

List Price: $ 7.99

Price: $ 2.50

The New Jewish Wedding, Revised

The Definitive, Completely Up-to-Date Guide to Planning a Jewish Wedding

Since its original publication in 1986, The New Jewish Wedding has become required reading, assigned to engaged couples by Conservative, Reform, and Reconstruc-tionist rabbis alike. In this new revision, Anita Diamant, one of the most respected writers of guides to Jewish life, continues to offer step-by-step guidance to planning the ceremony and the party that follows -- from hiring a rabbi and wording the invitation to organizing a processional and hiring a caterer. She also includes:

  • A new chapter focusing on converts, non-Jews, and same-sex couples
  • Essential Web sites
  • All new art, with examples of ketubot, invitations, and other wedding paraphernalia
  • New poems and new translations of the seven wedding blessings

Complete, authoritative, and indispensable, The New Jewish Wedding is a must-have resource for anyone who wants a wedding that combines spiritual meaning and joyous celebration.

List Price: $ 15.00

Price: $ 15.00

Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Plumbing: Expanded 4th Edition - Modern Materials and Current Codes - All New Guide to Working with Gas Pipe (Black & Decker Complete Guide)

Everything you need to know about plumbing. Everything.

Fresher and more complete than ever, this edition includes new material and revised information and is completely current with the 2006 Universal Plumbing Code. From basic repairs to advanced renovations, this is the only plumbing reference book a homeowner needs. And now, for the first time, Black & Decker The Complete Guide to Plumbing includes a comprehensive section on working with gas pipe. No other big book of plumbing for DIYers covers this important subject.

Also new to this 4th edition is expansive coverage of PEX (cross-linked polyethylene), the bendable supply tubing that's taking over a major portion of the DIY market. And with the current popularity of outdoor kitchens, we've expanded our coverage of outdoor plumbing as well. Now, we'll show you every step of the process to supply and drain an outdoor sink.

List Price: $ 24.99

Price: $ 15.65

Geek Dad: Awesomely Geeky Projects and Activities for Dads and Kids to Share

The ultimate DIY project guide for techie dads raising kids in their own geeky image, in the spirit of The Dangerous Book for Boys

Today's generation of dads grew up more tech-savvy than ever. Rather than joining the Little League team, many grew up playing computer games, Dungeons and Dragons, and watching Star Wars. Now with kids of their own, these digital-age dads are looking for fresh ways to share their love of science and technology, and help their kids develop a passion for learning and discovery.

Enter supergeek, and father of two, Ken Denmead. An engineer and editor of the incredibly popular GeekDad blog on, Ken has created the ultimate, idea-packed guide guaranteed to help dads and kids alike enjoy the magic of playtime together and tap into the infinite possibility of their imagination. With illustrations throughout, this book offers projects for all ages to suit any timeframe or budget. With Denmead's expert guidance, you and your child can:

•Fly a night-time kite ablaze with lights or launch a video camera with balloons

•Construct the "Best Slip n' Slide Ever," a guaranteed thrill ride

•Build a working lamp with LEGO bricks and CDs

•Create a customized comic strip or your own board game

•Make geeky crafts like cyborg jack-o'-lanterns or Ethernet cuff links

Brimming with endlessly fun and futuristic tidbits on everything from gaming to gadgets, GeekDad helps every tech-savvy father unleash his inner kid-and bond with the next generation of brainiacs. (edited by author)

List Price: $ 17.00

Price: $ 4.42

Lunch Bags!: 25 Handmade Sacks & Wraps to Sew Today

Today's hottest designers share their sewing savvy with 25 projects, from a simple sandwich wrap to a sophisticated shoulder bag. Why shouldn't your lunch bag match your personal wardrobe and eco-conscious lifestyle?

List Price: $ 12.99

Price: $ 12.99

The Pop-Up Book

The magical qualities of three-dimensional and moving books have universal appeal, and this book offers a clear and practical guide to the craft for all levels of artist, from the home hobbyists to professional graphic designers and architects. Starting with the most basic techniques, the book progresses as a teaching course through one-piece and then multi-piece designs, covering everything the reader will need to become a master of pop-ups. Detailed descriptions, step-by-step photography and artworks, and further examples for experimentation accompany each technique. A second section on design then explains how to adapt and combine these various techniques for use with different subjects. The range of possibilities is endless, and an inspiring gallery of designs created by professionals, amateurs and students displays the fantastic versatility of paper pop-ups, providing a source for further ideas. Written by paper engineer Paul Jackson, and illustrated with over 500 colour photographs and artworks, this is a comprehensive teaching course for all levels of artist and a visual sourcebook of the best contemporary work in the art of pop-up and paper engineering.


Metal Style: 20 Jewelry Designs with Cold Join Techniques

Discover the possibilities of cold joins

The hottest trend is cold.

Cold-connection techniques are pushing the envelope of what is possible in metal without the use of a torch or kiln. All the necessary tools and materials—a common drill, hammer, sandpaper, wire, metal sheet—are all readily available and affordable for almost any budget. Learn how to use rivets, screws, and other materials to combine elements without having to deal with heat. Master jewelry designers Robert Dancik, Connie Fox, Susan Lenart Kazmer, Tracey Stanley, and others offer signature pieces, constructed using cold-joins. Accompanying each project are expert tips and tricks for additional ideas and customization.

Metal Style is full of inspiration and techniques for jewelry makers looking to ignite a creative spark in their metal jewelry without lighting a flame.

List Price: $ 22.95

Price: $ 13.65

Crochet Master Class: Lessons and Projects from Today's Top Crocheters

Crochet Master Class presents 18 crochet techniques taught by some of the world’s best crochet designers and instructors. Each chapter focuses on a different technique, inviting you to dip in, experiment, and then apply your newfound skills to create a custom piece designed by these crochet luminaries. You’ll learn Hairpin Lace from Stitch Diva Jennifer Hansen, discover the intricate color work of tapestry crochet from Carol Ventura, and explore free-form crochet with renowned fiber artist Prudence Mapstone. Filled with expert instruction, inspiring stories, and projects created exclusively for this book, Crochet Master Class is your guide to the incredible range of crochet possibilities.

Techniques include:
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List Price: $ 22.99

Price: $ 7.54

Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things (Readers Digest)

Discover the amazing hidden talents of more than 200 common household items in this ingenious book. You will be astonished to find out what can be cleaned, fixed, replaced or even saved with just a dollop of toothpaste, a sprinkling of baby powder, a dash of salt or a banana skin. With more than 2000 crafty tried-and-tested tips, you will find yourself saving both time and money. There is a gold mine of resources in your home and "Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things" is the key to it.

List Price: $ 49.03

Price: $ 49.03

My Passion for Design

A lavishly illustrated personal tour of the great star's homes and collections.

For nearly five decades Barbra Streisand has been one of the singular figures in American entertainment. From the cabaret to the Broadway stage, from television and film stardom to her acclaimed work as a director, from the recording studio to the concert hall, she has demonstrated that the extraordinary voice that launched her career was only one of her remarkable gifts.

Now, in her first book, Barbra Streisand reveals another aspect of her talent: the taste and style that have inspired her beautiful homes and collections. My Passion for Design focuses on the architecture and construction of her newest homes, the dream refuge that she has longed for since the days when she shared a small Brooklyn apartment with her mother, brother, and grandparents. A culmination and reflection of Streisand's love of American architecture and design between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, the book contains many of her own photographs of the rooms she has decorated, the furniture and art she has collected, and the ravishing gardens she has planted on her land on the California coast. In addition to glimpses of her homes, Barbra shares memories of her childhood, the development of her sense of style, and what collecting has come to mean to her. My Passion for Design is a rare and intimate private tour into the world of one of our most beloved stars. It will be welcomed by her many fans and all lovers of the great achievements of American design.

List Price: $ 60.00

Price: $ 20.00

The Official High Times Field Guide to Marijuana Strains

This is the ultimate guide for cannabis connoisseurs and pot aficionados, as well as bud beginners and nug novices. Danny Danko, the senior cultivation editor of High Times, separates the folklore from the facts to get the real scoop on the highest quality sensimilla strains available to ganja growers all over the planet. Breeders from the best seed banks on Earth reveal their secrets to creating the finest Cannabis Cup champions and annual High Times Top Ten Strain Awards winners. This compendium covers the world's top pot varieties, all meticulously researched and lovingly described in terms ranging from odors and flavors to potency levels and medicinal properties.

List Price: $ 14.95

Price: $ 9.24

A Beginner's Guide to Kiln-Formed Glass: * Fused * Slumped * Cast

Kiln forming glass—melting cut or crushed glass together in a kiln until it becomes a single piece and shaping the glass with molds—has quickly become one of the most popular subjects in studio glasswork. This comprehensive introduction features projects both beautiful and practical that are sure to appeal to all beginning glassworkers. It covers all of the fundamentals, such as fusing, slumping and draping, as well as some intermediate and advanced techniques, including pot melting, inclusions, mold-making and more. There’s also advice on decorative surface treatment of the finished piece, and an invaluable troubleshooting section. Nineteen exquisite projects, arranged by skill level, range from home décor items, like a wall sconce and fountain, to sculpture, and even an amber glass pendant.

List Price: $ 24.95

Price: $ 13.17

Huck: The Remarkable True Story of How One Lost Puppy Taught a Family--and a Whole Town--About Hope and Happy Endings

Huck is a page-turning, unforgettable true story of the tenacity of one small dog, the unexpected, extraordinary kindness of strangers, and a family’s devotion to each other.
Michael was four when his relentless campaign for a dog began. At seven he made a PowerPoint presentation, “My Dog,” with headings like “A Childhood Without a Dog is a Sad Thing.” His parents, Janet and Rich, were steadfast; bringing a dog into their fast-paced New York City lives was utterly impractical.
However, on a trip to Italy, a chance happening leads Janet to reconsider, a decision then hastened by a diagnosis of breast cancer.  Janet decides the excitement of a new puppy would  be the perfect antidote to the strain on the family of months of arduous treatments for her illness. The prospect of a new puppy would be an affirmation of life, a powerful talisman for them all.
On Thanksgiving weekend, soon after the grueling months of treatments are over, Huck, a sweet, mischievous, red-haired, toy poodle joins the family and wins everyone’s heart.
A few months later the family ventures to baseball’s spring training, leaving Huck with Janet’s sister in Ramsey, New Jersey.  Barely twenty-four hours into the trip, Janet receives the dreaded phone call: Huck has slipped through the backyard fence and run away. 
Broken-hearted and frantic, the family catches the first plane to New Jersey to begin a search for their lost puppy. It is a race against time, for little Huck is now lost in an area entirely unfamiliar to him, facing the threat of bears and coyotes, swamps and freezing temperatures, rain and fast cars. 
Moved by the family’s plight, strangers – from school children to townspeople to the police lieutenant – join the search, one that proves to be an unyielding test of determination and faith.
Touching and warm-hearted, Huck is a spirit-lifting story about resilience, the generosity of strangers, and hope.

From the Hardcover edition.Photos from Huck
Huck with a Red Collar
View larger
Huck on a Leash
View larger
Huck Licking Rich's Face
View larger
Huck's Poster
View larger

List Price: $ 21.00

Price: $ 21.00