The latest edition of the bestselling book on employee retention and engagement in the worldmore than 500,000 copies of the previous editions have been sold. Completely revised and updated throughout, with two brand new sections. Presents 26 strategies, from A to Z, that managers at every level can use immediately to stem the talent drain. With every employee who walks out the door costing the company up to 200% of their annual salary to replace, retention is one of the most important issues facing businesses today. And with so many surveys reporting that employees are unhappy and not working up to their full potential, engagement becomes a second serious and costly issue. The latest edition of this Wall Street Journal bestseller offers 26 simple strategiesfrom A to Zthat managers can use to address their employees real concerns and keep them engaged. The fourth edition has been extensively revised and updated throughout and includes two new sections. The first, Top Ten Pushbacks, features answers to the most common concerns that managers have raised about the Love Em or Lose Em approach. The second new section, Got More? Is a compilation of anecdotes, quotations and research findings that support the Love Em or Lose Em message.Love Em or Lose Em may also be purchased by chapters from Fast Fundamentals: The BK Whitepaper Series.Because finding the ideal person for every workplace position has become an increasingly difficult task, the retention of top employees has become every manager's concern.
Love 'Em or Lose 'Em, by organizational-development specialists Beverly L. Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, proposes that this "race for talent" can be effectively run only by those who adopt programs and policies that truly support their personnel. It then shows how to do so, even in organizations reluctant to participate actively.
Kaye and Jordan-Evans encourage an initial scan of their 26 alphabetically arranged chapters--such as "Information: Share It," "Mentor: Be One," and "Space: Give It"--so attention can be fully focused on the most relevant benefits and responsibilities associated with employee retention. All are bolstered with hands-on exercises and stories of others' failures and successes. The section on family-friendly conduct, for example, suggests uncovering specifics by directly asking employees what would make their lives easier. Resultant needs can be met, it continues, by allowing staffers to bring children to the office on occasion, assisting anyone who must line up care for an aging parent, giving weekday comp time to those who travel on weekends, etc. It also explains how Deloitte & Touche and DuPont addressed these issues. Any manager who dreads losing a top performer would do well to consider this book. --Howard Rothman

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