Pale & Interesting: Decorating With Whites, Pastels and Nuetrals for a Warm and Welcoming Home

In Pale & Interesting, stylist Atlanta Bartlett and designer Dave Coote reveal their passion for decorating with a muted palette of subtle shades. The look combines their creative approach with the reality of busy family life, resulting in a stylish yet comfortable home that's easy to live in and easy on the eye. Atlanta and Dave start by taking a look at the design philosophy behind the look: Keep it Simple, Keep it Relaxed and Keep it Real. Next, in Putting It All Together, they map out the key elements of the look: Shades of Pale; Texture & Form; Mixing it Up; Waste Not, Want Not and Collecting. Finally The Rooms, takes a tour throughout the home, revealing how easy and enjoyable it is to live with chalky pastels, earthy natural tones, understated neutrals and muted vintage shades. Pale & Interesting shows how to tap into the look and draw on your own individual taste to create a fresh, light and airy home that's a joy to live in, every single day.

List Price: $ 29.95

Price: $ 14.99